Tag Archives: fast food chains

Fast Food and Obesity @profjsm #code71

I chose the topic fast food and obesity because both are a non stop growing problem. Fast food is one of the leading reason in bad health. People are becoming obese from all the fast food and junk, and it is also a increasing issue for children. All these fast food companies have high fructose corn syrup which is the main reason why people are becoming so obese and unhealthy. If people do not exercise or take caution, they will end up with serous problems throughout life. This can cause diabetes and heart attacks because of the intake of fast food. Fast good chains are growing and will not stop. They will only get worse and worse. All these fast-food companies add all kinds of ingredients and chemicals into their  food which is completely unhealthy. Its not only fast-food chains that are changing the way we eat, it is also the meatpacking business. They have completely changed the way food is today by processing and adding hormones to the animals food. For the result of that causes obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. In order for me to continue my research about fast food I will need the library databases, internet and even personal experiences from people. I will need to go deep into researching to find some hard evidence.


@profjsm #code71